1001 Miglia Italia - My Packing List
Here comes my packing list for 1001 Miglia Italia - with bag drops...
Here comes my packing list for 1001 Miglia Italia - with bag drops...
A collection of articles, photos & videos covering London-Edinburgh-London 2022
My story of the 2022 edition of London-Edinburgh-London, a 1500 km brevet across the UK.
Here comes my packing list for London-Edinburgh-London 2022. Might add some updates later when I decided what to put in my bag drops...
50 riders, 400km, 4700m vertical climb, 18% of Champagne Gravel, thunderstorms at night and a pizza in Tübingen. Read about another epic adventure with Audax Suisse!
The 200km ride around Lake of Constance is kind of the spring classic from Audax Suisse. This year was special for me since it was the first Audax Suisse brevet after 2 years of Covid.
1001 Miglia Italia - as the name states - is a 1000 miles bike race through Italy. My participation in 2021 didn't exactly go as expected - read more in my article...
Every now and then, people ask me the question how I started with cycling ultra distances. In this article I want to share my personal journey into ultra cycling and how it all happened...